> This Companion is 25 years old, 1.60m, 50kg, a teacher in Hong Kong. She is beautiful and well-educated. This is one of our most beautiful ladies. She is available in Asia. Other Language: Chinese.
>> Fees
This Companion offers two options for how she can serve you:
Sex Included: She will provide all her normal (oral and vaginal) sexual services.
Sex Excluded: Other than oral and vaginal sex, she will provide hugging, kissing, nudity and massage.
This Companion has 2 types of fees (1 Short Term Meetings, 1 Long Term Arrangement).
> Short Term Meeting
Full-day Meeting You can keep meeting with this Companion for whole day (24 hours). Sex included: A$/€/$2,000 Sex excluded: A$/€/$1,600 (you can get 1 day free after 3 days)
> Long Term Arrangement
Sponsorship Arrangement You and this Companion live separately, but meet 2 times per week in her city, 24 hours each. – Full-day Package (24 hours x8): Sex included: A$/€/$ 10,667/month Sex excluded: A$/€/$ 8,533/month